Rate Kill Bill!

You’re not making any sense…

You’re not making any sense…

You may know about Romeo, Carpet and Roderick, but you don’t know anything about Tarantino!

Why would I be in a Tarantino board if I knew nothing about Tarantino. I discovered all the fucking movies I like through him! I knew nothing about westerns and genre type films until I saw Kill Bill for the first time in my life, after that I was hooked.

Why would I be in a Tarantino board if I knew nothing about Tarantino.

The same reason Kilgore is here.

You know so much about him…tell me where did the name Beatrix come from?

that’s what I thought.


Beatrix Emery: Lana Turner character in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!


You know so much about him…tell me where did the name Beatrix come from?

“Kiddo” came from Tarantino. That’s what he calls women he takes a liking too. Thus reinforcing the theoretical notion that Bill is actually Tarantino (or part QT) and what he says conveys what QT himself is trying to tell us. QT uses self-irony here, who knows that it’s got to such a point where his films almost have no existence outside of his own shadow. For example, in keeping with this Beatrix Kiddo theme, at the start of Kill Bill, Bill says “Do you find me sadistic?” perhaps he (QT) is actually talking to us (the viewer) asking if we think he’s trying to harm us in some way. “There’s nothing sadistic in my actions” - a plea from QT saying that if anybody is getting hurt, it’s actually him. We are just mere observers, watching the film. Damn it, I’m going off on a tangent, so I’m not gonna say anymore.

I’m pretty sure Uma Thurman came up with the name “Beatrix”, one of her friends was called that I think.

that’s what I thought.


Beatrix Emery: Lana Turner character in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!


Dude, I did answer (I’m just revising at the same time). And where did you get that from?

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.tarantino.info/forum/index.p … 977.0.html”>http://www.tarantino.info/forum/index.php/topic,4977.0.html</LINK_TEXT>

just read the last page.

that’s what I thought.


Beatrix Emery: Lana Turner character in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!


First of all, just because you THINK that’s where QT got the name, doesn’t mean that IS where he got the name. Second of all, often with things like these, QT has more than one reason for doing what he did. Thirdly, and most importantly, Quentin Tarantino HIMSELF said what I posted where that name came from!

Bio -2

Really. Why would he refrence “Lana Turner”? And have you seen how Uma and Lana resemble each other?

I think I’m right. You don’t have to agree, but whatever…

Really. Why would he refrence “Lana Turner”? And have you seen how Uma and Lana resemble each other?

I think I’m right. You don’t have to agree, but whatever…

You’re kidding right? You base your hypothesis on the fact that he references Lana Turner? That could be for a whole host of reasons. For example, Esteban says whenever Lana Turner came on screen, he would suck his thumbs to an obscene amount (as he was a sucker for blondes). That just reinforces Bill’s hair fetish. He likes blonde hair. Furthermore, it’s used as referencing QT’s own life. When he was younger, his step-father (or a father figure) would take him to the movies. As what I said earlier, QT is Bill, Esteban is his father figure, etc etc

Pointless… :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this pointless?



That dosen’t prove anything, except that Uma came up with that name. So my response is still valid.

That dosen’t prove anything, except that Uma came up with that name. So my response is still valid.

It doesn’t prove anything? It explicitly states from the guy that fucking created this film - “Uma came up with the name Beatrix – she worked for somebody with that name”. It proves that Uma Thurman came up with that name and she got it from someone she knew who had that name. But whatever, dude. All I know is, you tried to get one up on me and you failed miserably. But nice try, buddy. :wink:

Still doesn’t prove anything…

I’m guessing you guys do this non-stop whilst playing your X-Box’s on Live… :stuck_out_tongue:

An overall 10/10. Volume 1 undoubtably gets 10 as it was just pure awsome. Volume 2 was vey good but did not have the same ‘oomph’ as volume 1.

Vol.1: 10

Vol2: 9

There’s no way it gets a 10/10 for me. Coz where does that leave Pulp Fiction and Dogs…does this go up to 11?

So I’d put it, overall, 7/10. Good, but not brilliant.