Post Your Desktop

That´s a unique one. Really nice.

[quote=“Tarantino Forum Admin”]
i think some still dont have windows xp. just a little thing: windows xp may suck balls but it is way better than any windows below it. :wink:

by the way: buono, having a small pic being texturized looks like shit. you should either center-align it or get a bigger one. what about those tits you have as avatar. does that exist in bigger size?

It looks good enough to me

That´s a unique one. Really nice.

thanks, Yoshi, i really like Van Gogh

My wallpaper fuckin kicks ass

My wallpaper owns your wallpaper

i hate that van gogh painting

thanks! i’m gonna change it just because your opinion means that much to me! :smiley:






wohooo, another trillian user

trillian owns!

trillian 3 preview online at

it sucks though, that you have to pay for the pro version. the free version sucks

fucking idiot

thats Mr. Shepherd for you

i was telling you to change it and i said my opinion means something to you

fucking idiot

no reason to get rude there, boy

I like Van Gogh and that picture, but how can you stand that multi-coloured desktop. How can you separate icons?

I have that prism for years. And it looks so cool.

I like Van Gogh and that picture, but how can you stand that multi-coloured desktop. How can you separate icons?

I have that prism for years. And it looks so cool.

i only have a couple icons and they’re all tucked into the bottom left hand corner (notice i’ve got a pulp icon and a res dogs icon ;D).

the color really doesn’t bother me. i dunno. i guess that because i only have a few icons and they’re all located together it works well, if i had a lot of them all over it would be a bit of an overload.

Changed it

My wallpaper fuckin kicks ass

My wallpaper owns your wallpaper

Nah it would if it was one big pic, but it aint so :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s better: one huge pic of a beautiful big breasted Asian woman or 6 medium sized pics?

Answer: It doesn’t matter. My wallpaper still owns yours :stuck_out_tongue:

In case you’re wondering, I do not have homosexual tendencies. It’s just such a beautiful image.