Nifty Little Shit You Noticed

Wow. Either you guys saw the movie with a LOUD ASS sound system or you have spidey-sense cuz I just saw the movie for a fourth time and couldn’t make out a word the kids said on the schoolbus.

Another thing I get a kick out of:

The one-eyeless Crazy 88 trouncing around holding his face during The Bride’s “Limb” speech.

The Crazy 88 member who got his mouth “widened” didnt lay down and die from that. I noticed last time that in the blue room fight one of the members has a cloth pressed againsts is hurt visage

[quote]The reason for the sword holders is because as Quentin says himself, this is a “movie’s movie.” Thats why the sherrif’s son is named “Son#1.” People think the string on top of the plane is a movie mistake but its actually done on purpose.[/quote]

No shit, you think i didnt know this?

I’m not sure if this is true, but I read somewhere the sword used in the US KB poster is the exact same one Butch uses in PF…

Alrigh. how about some symboslism.

When Uma is in Vivica’s house and they are about to get coffie Vivica pushes the door to close it but it never closes so Uma pushes it again and it closes. This could mean that Diva started it, it being the killing of everyone at the Weddin’ , and Uma is finishing it, by killing everyone in DIVA.

Remember that i’m very very stupid so i’m not likley to mean anything.

[quote]Doesn’t the Red Apples sign show a pic of the same actress that plays Sofie Fatale? (Julie Dreyfus) If it isn’t, it is an uncanny resemblance.[/quote]

I was just about to mention that. I’m pretty sure it’s Julie!

Julie Dreyfus is hot. That is her name, right?

Someone ought to count the guys in the HOBL and compare it to how many are lying dead on the ground. I wonder if Quentin went into meticulous detail about it. It dosen’t really matter, but I’m still curious.

That wouldn’t work. Several of the guys that were killed were either thrown into those pools or died on the second floor…so you would pretty much only know who died/was injured on the main floor.

anyone mention the star wars light savor noise when the swords cross …in the beg of the Cotton mouth blood battle.

Oh, and seeing it again, I noticed the “red dots” more…they appear in a frame or two right before danger occurs…anyone else notice this?

the red dots are studio imprints to mark films in case of pirates.

dont bother finding meaning

Joe–but the red dots are shown right before violence and only appear in the last blood bath scene–if memory serves me correct , the first time as the bride enters that location to meet cotton mouth.

By the way, what are those 2 loud beaps at the opening fight scene, before the school bus drives up at the house…these are heard over the dialouge…wtf

those beeps are to hide The Bride’s real name

I was a bit perplexed at the red dots. I was wondering if I was was just noticing a glitch or if it was intended as some wierd QT subliminal thing. I realized for certain that it was intentional when I saw them show up during a scene that was otherwise Black & White, then I knew it COULDN’T be a mistake then.

I think I first noticed it during the anime sequence, so I thought it might be QT trying to give it a “fake authentic” look, but when it continued I started to wonder if Tyler Durden had been working with Tarantino or something.

I saw Kill Bill for the 5th time today and I noticed that the photgrapher at the chapel that was taking pictures of the dead bodies at the chapel looked familiar. I can’t put my finger on it, but I know that I have seen him from somewhere. Did anyone notice who he was?

Anyone else notice the name of the cereal that Vernita was preparing for her daughter!

It was called “KABOOM!” ::slight_smile:

[quote]Anyone else notice the name of the cereal that Vernita was preparing for her daughter!

It was called “KABOOM!”  ::slight_smile:[/quote]
HEY! Welcome to the site! I’m guessing other people noticed it, considering that there is an entire thread about it. I believe it’s cleverly title KABOOM cereal, or something.

The soundbleeps are the name of umas character bleeped out. i don’t know why, but i’ve heard that in vol. 1 the name is bleeped, but not in vol. 2.

does anyone know the name of umas character? i’ve heard ********, but that sounds weird.

Edit by Mod: I cut off the name. No spoilers in this post.

Dont post fucking spoilers regarding her name u newb dope, mods delete that shit. Ive already been spoiled from dickheads posting the name uncaringly on the IMDB, i dont want other people to be fucking spoiled either.

ok, sorry, jeez. mellow, now, mellow. don’t have to be so hostile, i’m only curious.

Great thread!!!