Mike's review

Hey everyone, I’m a new guy here, just thought I’d introduce myself. I love Mike’s review on Kill Bill and am eagerly anticipating this movie.

I have boughten the script off of eBay from Mike, and I’ll post a revew of it when I’m done reading it, as well.

This is quite something. Another two reviews coming soon and we have still to hear of Mike’s review of Chapter ! entitled “2”.

Excellent news and welcome to the board.

We need more board members and QT fans that wish to share.

We need more Kill Bill reviews.

You are more than welcome here :slight_smile:


P.S. Sebastian is this the review you talked about when u said another will come including urs or will there now be three???

there’s Mike’s review, Mike’s prologue review (more to come), there will be one by myself in a couple of days and then this one…

stay tuned…

Welcome to the board George and Chester!

I think the only thing that keeps us going now about Kill Bill are the script reviews so thank God that Seb has it now and new-commer Chester as well. We need as many reviews as we can get, especially to get to know the characters more. I want to know more about Budd especialyl.


black suit… black tie… white shirt… coolness… → BUDD a.k.a. Sidewinder ;D

AWESOME!!! Holy shit! Budd is like Mr Blonde back from the dead!! 8) 8) 8)

…only he changed his McDonald’s- Coke for Jack Daniels…

Yeah, thats right, Budd is an alky.

The cool thing will be seeing Budd and The Bride fight. Should be weird seeing Uma kick Michael Madsens ass. Exciting too. 8)

I heard that Budd even thoudh he is Bill’s bro hates the guy and sides with The Bride.

I dont know if they are gonna fight.

Are you sure about this Vic?


i don’t wanna spoil you and all… the bride kills LOTS of people, but Budd - even though he’s an alky - isn’t dumb…

Sounds like Madsen will be a drunken master tribute!

That would be so the Bomb, if Budd fought the Bride in drunken style kung fu. Please say this is gonna happen! 8) 8) 8) 8)

OK again i might be stupid to ask this but we live and learn right? What is an alky? And why, i ask again, would Sidewinder fight with the Bride if they both hate Bill?


Alky - Alchoholic

No idea as to why The Bride would fight Budd though, perhaps they hate each other in addition to Bill.

Alky (Al-kee) = slang for an alcoholic.

Budd was part of Bills Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. He was one of the people who bushwhacked The Brides wedding and massacred everyone. So, I guess shes a little pissed at Budd. Hence her tracking him down and fighting him. Budd doesnt work for Bill anymore, and he knows what they did to her was very bad. But still, hes not gonna give up his life without a fight to the death. Thats what Ive heard so far anyway.

Alright cool. I knew he was an alcoholic but i didnt conect it to alky.

Yeah i guess that makes sense about Bride being pissed at Budd.



hey toothpick, you’re talking like you have read the script :wink:

well… i could tell you the whole story about budd and black mamba and all… but I honestly don’t want to.

I just finished reading the script and I am so sad about that. I would have loved to watch it the first time on the screen, but now I already know the entire story and I LOVE IT!! I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!

watch all movies toothpick listed in this forum! watch all Shaw brothers flicks! it’s so great!

my review is gonna be online around august/september.

Wow, August or September? Thats gonna be a loooooooong wait. Thats so awesome you got a chance to read the script. It sounds like its gonna be better than any films we’ve seen in a long time. I cant wait.

Heres a pic I made of The Bride

NNNoooooo!!! Why so late dammit!!!

We still have Mike’s review of Chapter 1 and that Chester’s review as well. Why are you doing it so late!?!?

I really wana see these movies but i dont know how i will.

Is there a site somewhere where i can download these movies? ? I will try Kazaa later.


P.S. I can’t see the pic.