Cheer For The BAD GUY

Philip Seymour Hoffman in Mission Impossible 3 :smiley:

But his exit scene was lame. Or was lame because it had to be suitable for children.

it was lame because Mission Impossible movies suck.

I always root for the bad guys, unless they are some sort of monsters or not human in any way :stuck_out_tongue:

I always root for the bad guys, unless they are some sort of monsters or not human in any way :stuck_out_tongue:

so i guess u wont be cheering for the alien in CLOVERFIELD?

Vin Diesel - Pitchblack

That asian chick from Live Free or Die Hard. I always cheer for the (bad) girls in movies, especially if they know kung-fu (or whatever the fuck it was). And of course the poor Elle Driver :’(

She had some pretty good moves, it was funny how Bruce kept pounding her ass. Classic cunt beatings, can’t get enough of it.

Frank Booth

Joe Pesci in both Casino and Goodfellas